Opening Date

Thursday, May 2nd at 10:00 am

After a long winter and some strong ice and snow storms that knocked us with a 1-2 punch, we’re happy to announce that we are officially opening for the 2024 golf season this Thursday.

We’re used to some tricky weather messing with our opening date timing, however, the storms that hit York County this spring were ones for the record books! See some of the photos of the damage below.

A big shoutout to some of the guys from Shaw’s Warehouse who came out to help cut and haul, as well as Mark’s better half, Suzanne, his brother, Steve and newphew, Shane who all put in time helping out with all the cleanup so we could open this week. You guys rock!

Storm Damage Photos

cut and staked branches from ice storm ready to burn

Pictured above – Large pile of cut up branches from ice storm ready for burning.

long line of downed branches from pine trees
downed pine branches
uprooted pine tree
large toppled pine branches

Ready to Start Swinging those Golf Clubs

If this is your first time visiting Pine Hollow, visit our FAQ’s to get your questions answered ahead of time.

We’re looking forward to seeing all our regulars back on the course and we always enjoy meeting new visitors.

Time to get those golf clubs dusted off and come join the fun down at the ‘Hollow!

player lines up putt while teammates look on
The ladies from Partners Bank chip onto the green