2024 Season Opening

2024 Season Opening

Opening Date Thursday, May 2nd at 10:00 am After a long winter and some strong ice and snow storms that knocked us with a 1-2 punch, we’re happy to announce that we are officially opening for the 2024 golf season this Thursday. We’re used to some tricky...
2023 Golf Season Close and Recap

2023 Golf Season Close and Recap

After a very tricky season, weather-wise, that saw a later than usual start, some cold and wet days throughout, but an unseasonably warm stretch in late October, we now have to put the clubs away, bring in the flags and say goodbye to the 2023 golf season. Pine Hollow...
2023 Golf Championship Results

2023 Golf Championship Results

 Annual Golf Championship – A Week Late, but Worth the Wait The 2023 Annual Golf Championship took place a week later than normal due to a rained out Saturday the week before, but players were rewarded with a Summer-like day to match their skills against each...
2023 Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Results

2023 Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament Results

Team Partners Bank watch as teammate putts onto the green. Chamber Tournament Recap An overcast but tempeate Fall day welcomed participants to the 5th Annual Sanford/Springvale Chamber of Commerce “Robert (Bob) L’Heureux” Golf Tournament on September 29th at Pine...
2023 Golf Tournament Schedule

2023 Golf Tournament Schedule

Mark Your Calendars for Fall Golf Tournaments As we approach the start of Fall, Pine Hollow Little Par 3 is getting ready for its two most popular annual golf tournaments. Make note of the dates and times as the course will be closed to the public during these events....
Perfect Golfing Weather (FINALLY!)

Perfect Golfing Weather (FINALLY!)

Perfect Golfing Weather Has Finally Arrived The first week in August is looking like it will provide us with some much needed perfect summer weather for getting in some great rounds of golf. We’ve dealt with cold rainy weather that delayed our opening, then long...