2024 Season Opening

2024 Season Opening

Opening Date Thursday, May 2nd at 10:00 am After a long winter and some strong ice and snow storms that knocked us with a 1-2 punch, we’re happy to announce that we are officially opening for the 2024 golf season this Thursday. We’re used to some tricky...
Little Par 3 Season Opening 2021

Little Par 3 Season Opening 2021

Opening Date Saturday, April 24th at 10:00 am Despite that last gasp of winter in the form of a wet snowfall on April 9th (sure beats the surprise May snow from 2020!) Pine Hollow Little Par 3 is opening for the season this weekend. Get those golf clubs dusted off and...

Pine Hollow Season Opening 2020

Open for the 2020 Season Opening Date Saturday, May 9th (after 2pm) With the ‘Stay at Home’ orders gradually lifting and folks getting out a bit more, and the weather drying out and warming up a bit (this weekend’s predicted snowfall notwithstanding)...

2019 Season Opening

2019 Season Opening Date Oh my – and you thought last year was a late season opening! Well, folks, we’ve made it through another long cold Maine winter. And this year we’ve had to contend with both a wetter than normal and colder than normal spring....